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Written by a patient
17th March 2018

Hi, prescribed 2 mg leading to 16 mg slowly, for migraine prevention. simply cannot cope. one week now. all limbs ache, feel sick, headache, tired, swollen limbs may be causing the stiffness, light headiness. I really wanted this to work but im facing day 7 now of feeling drug induced dreadful, id rather face my horrid frequent oh so painful migraines than feel like this. I have naturally low blood pressure. feel like a failure but i cant continue on this drug.

Side effects
Written by a patient
21st February 2018

Candesartin is one of the only medications I can tolerate which is effective with minimum side effects.

Side effects
Written by a patient
4th October 2017

yet again its another medication that I have to take to help me, if your on the same way of life like me then your medication is there to help, just remember the country's that don't have medication like we do, just think how they would feel if they had the same has us.

Side effects
Written by a patient
12th September 2017

I got perscribed this by the neurologist as I suffer from bad ocular migraines that make me lose my memory temporary and make me black out. He gave me 8mg to try and I must say the next day I felt much better. I felt like I was in the room and I didn't have any flashes in my eyes anymore. He said that it should also help lower my blood pressure which it has. I only have occasional nausea.

Side effects
Written by a patient
28th March 2017

I have been taking Candesartan in the morning for a number of years my current dose is 8mg taken with a water tablet (Indapamide 2.5mg). It seems to keep my blood pressure under control with no side effects for me. I did have a heart attack in 2006 and bypass surgery in 2014, but as i say it works well and I go to the gym 3 times a week for 2 hours each session with no ill effects.

Side effects

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Candesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Candesartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Candesartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) in adults and children who are at least 1 year old. Lowering blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications. Candesartan is also used in adults with certain types of heart failure, to reduce serious complications or death due to heart damage.


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